The end of another year, leaving bittersweet memories and one changed person
The day my world shattered
The day my heart was broken
The day happiness was taken away
The day my tears showered down like rain
The day i finally hit reality
The day i felt betrayed
The day excruciating pain struck me
The day overwhelming sadness felt suffocating
The day i had to remind myself to breathe
The day i lost the will to live
The day my hope crumbled away
The day i was lost of words to say
The day you left.
This year i have grown so much in so many ways and experienced so many things...
Got good results in my PMR and praise God for that. Also extending a big thank you to my parents, relatives, teachers and friends.
Lost a love one through death. May God bring my Grandpa into His home in heaven =)
Experienced God's love and His presence in my life. Cried like never before for i finally know how it feels to be loved and called God's daughter. He helped me forgive those who have hurt me and let go of the pain that was making me such a depressing person to be with. =p
Been an emo person. Cried and found life meaningless and wrote emo poems. Like this one...
The day my world shattered
The day my heart was broken
The day happiness was taken away
The day my tears showered down like rain
The day i finally hit reality
The day i felt betrayed
The day excruciating pain struck me
The day overwhelming sadness felt suffocating
The day i had to remind myself to breathe
The day i lost the will to live
The day my hope crumbled away
The day i was lost of words to say
The day you left.
If you ever read this, i want to tell you i understand why you did what you did. Peace =D
Debated with my teammates and friends. Had loads of fun and experienced sweet victory...
And got this trophies...
Praise the LoRd !!!
Had a great 15th birthday filled with love and lotsa gifts =D
And also lotsa gifts for Christmas...
Thanks everyone. Love you guys.
Fell in love with hot vampires and cute guys =p
How i wish i was Bella xp
And to the cute guy i love, hugs and kisses =D
Went to Damai with my friends and camwhored a whole lot =p
Had a great year with all my friends, especially my besties and my babe xp. Thanks y'all for being around.
And had fun, cut classes, pissed people off, been a huge retard, and learnt the art of loving, striving to love just like Jesus =D
Happy New Year.

And got this trophies...
Praise the LoRd !!!
Had a great 15th birthday filled with love and lotsa gifts =D
And also lotsa gifts for Christmas...
Thanks everyone. Love you guys.
Fell in love with hot vampires and cute guys =p

How i wish i was Bella xp
And to the cute guy i love, hugs and kisses =D
Went to Damai with my friends and camwhored a whole lot =p

Had a great year with all my friends, especially my besties and my babe xp. Thanks y'all for being around.
And had fun, cut classes, pissed people off, been a huge retard, and learnt the art of loving, striving to love just like Jesus =D
Happy New Year.