Merry Christmas
Let's not forget to celebrate the day hope was given to mankind =D

Looking forward to nice food and nice shopping xp...
Will miss the peeps back home...
But at least i can still text =)
Love y'all
Not only am i not flexible at all, i have bad coordination and cant remember the steps...
So freaking frustrating.
P.s. Thanks to a certain darling for the wonderful gifts =p
Feel pretty much like im drowning in my own lungs...
That the moments made with that person is encarved unto your heart and one glance at that person brings back those memories?
Well, love may be a strong emotion, but not undefeated as well..
I rather think hate leaves a bigger impact on me...

Hate is actually rather similar to love in the way that it involves people as well and memories created with that certain person, though the memories may not be sweet...
Ironic as it seems, people tend to remember what is unpleasant to remember more easily than the nice things and simple wonders of life..
When we are in love, we tend to moon over a certain someone, their features, the way they act, the way they walk and carry themselves and the moments we have spent together, what they said to us etc.
Well, when we hate someone, isnt all this what we remember as well? What a certain person said that triggered our anger, how the way thay act makes us wanna scold *%#$^#% and how pissed we are when their faces keeps popping out uncontrollably in our mind, whether we like it or not.
Doesnt all those sound pretty familiar? You cant stop thinking about them either. And one look of them brings waves of emotion, though not love, but hate..
Sometimes when i think of people i loathe, i start to get worried...
What if i die tonight, hating them, i would probably go to hell..
Wouldnt that be worse? Eternal pain and suffering? But yet it aint easy to bring ourselves to forget those acts that have once broke our hearts and wounded us.
I once watched a video/movie during a YCS movie session..
It was about a good pastor who had an argument with his wife and refused to talk to her for a few days. However, before he could forgive her, he "passed away" and was actually taken by an angel to visit heaven and hell.
In Heaven, he was shown the beautiful place God created for His people. But that place was very bare, considering the number of people who actually truly repents.
In hell, it was much more crowded and everyone seem caught up in their own personal suffering. It was truly painful to watch. The climax occured when the angel told the pastor that was the place he was meant to go if he really died, for although he asked God to forgive his sins, he could not bring himself to forgive another. He was then allowed to live again after 3 days to proclaim this to us, as i now share..

That is when it hit me that any moment, God can decide my time is up and i can never truly forgive those who hurt me before, and indirectly buy my one way non-refundable ticket to hell..
One day, there was this priest who came to celebrate mass with us..
He shared his own personal story how his close friend had betrayed him and he pretty much hated her for it. Everytime he saw her he would feel anger and hatred bubbling in him.
As much as he tried to forgive her, he couldnt. For one glance of her would bring everything back.
He then shared that forgiveness comes not from men, but from God. We cant forgive people without asking God to give us that power.
Every night, he would pray for the person he hated what he wanted for himself and he was supposed to do this for 30 days.
However empty his prayer was, he continued praying and after 20 plus days, he started to mean the prayer and eventually his anger was long gone..
I should probably start doing this.
Who know, i might drop dead tomorrow.
Or maybe not.
Not before i drool over Taylor Lautner's hot bod xp

Who ignores the way i feel and hurt my feelings..
Sometimes, dont we get to carried away with our own needs till we tend to overlook the needs of others?
Or is it the ignorance and couldnt care less attitude that makes us hurt the people around us?
There are many ways to hurt a person, but once hurt, even if the wounds heal, there'll always be scars left.
If there's someone out there who can tell me the answer to this, please do.
How can i love a person with my whole haart if there are so many broken pieces yet to be found?
Its pretty nuts, in a way...
And i miss crying over mushy, unrealistic but unbelievably romantic scenes in dramas..
After watching so many korean dramas, my fave scene is when the hero *must be hot* wears a necklace for the girl. *Swoons*
Have been playing alot of rock riot recently. Sad to say, my coordination STILL sucks. Haha.
Cant wait for New Moon..
And yummy Taylor Lautner.

Look at that abs, people...
chess =p

quick update
Im so high...
And tough luckt o those SPM-ers...
All the best studying =p
P.s. I miss you.
Sometimes i feel sad
Sometimes im just so jealous of what others have.
Sometimes im confused
Sometimes i sure
Sometimes i have no idea what to do
Sometimes its all about me
Sometimes its all about you
Sometimes i dont even know how to feel
Sometimes i want to cry
Sometimes i cant stop smiling
Sometimes i feel the whole world cant stop spinning
Sometimes i am winning
Sometimes i am losing
Sometimes my world is just sinking
Sometimes i have so much to share
Sometimes i just cant find the right words to say
Sometimes i wish it would rain
Sometimes i love the warm sun
Sometimes i love all i have
Sometimes i resent my life
Sometimes i just wish i actually know what im saying.
you =)

Making my journey in life ever so smooth
Giving me strength to face reality and its cruel truths
You're like my favourite song
Playing on and on
Keeping the rhythm of my heartbeat steady and strong
You're like my cosy comforter
Embracing me in warmth when it gets colder
Soothing my chills and shivers
You're like my favourite colour
Painting our memories in sheer splendour
Etching them onto my heart forever
You're like my favourite story
Weaving my dreams with reality
Unleashing hope and setting me free
You're like my favourite fragrance
Each whiff carrying a million scents
Making me dance and spin in trance
You're like a cup of coffee
Got me addicted to you so easily
Intoxicated by you, never again free
You're like the stars at night
Each one aflame with love so bright
Your radiance of affection being my light
You're like the world to me
For without you, it would be impossible to see
How much someone can ever be
To me.
If i were to walk away, would be promise not to be sad?
If i am loss for words to say, know that there was a time we had,
where nothing else mattered but those cherished moments.
I pray, that i'll never forget the memories of all that we shared.
Kiss Me

Devon Knows How They Make Hannah So Creamy
Tagged by Joshua =p
Go to: http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi
Put your name in, and generate slogan after each question.
Tag 20 people including me.
1. What do you say to yourself every morning?
Just One Hannah-Give It To Me
2. What do you want other people to say about you?
Puts the Hannah in Britain. lol
3. Someone asked you out, your answer is…
The Too Good to Hurry Hannah
4. How would you answer a booty call?
The Ultimate Hannah Machine. this is hawt. whoo~
5. How would you introduce yourself to someone you really like?
Savour the Flavour of Hannah. XP
6. To someone you dislike?
This is the Age of Hannah. muahaha, this suits the situation =p
7. You’re in a conversation and you suddenly feel the need to pee, how would you excuse yourself?
Every Hannah Helps. =.="
8. Your parents ask you why you got home late, you say…
Poppin' Fresh Hannah
9. You’re failing a subject, you say…
Fast Hannah and Good for You
10. The love of your life asks you to marry him/her, what do you say?
Once Driven , Forever Hannah. =o
11. Your bf/gf is breaking up with you, you tell him/her…
Make Fun of Hannah
12. Someone told you you’re an asshole, you tell them…
Absolut Hannah. right on, baby =D
13. What are the best words to describe you?
Its a New Hannah Everyday. TRUE!!!
14. If you’re going to have a movie about your life, the title is…
Fall into the Hannah. yes, im like a black hole that'll suck y'all in xp
15. Your last words before you die…
Today's Hannah, since 1903
16. Your message to a special someone..
For a Hard-earned Thrist, Hannah. i know u thrist for me, baby. lol.
17. Title of this post will be…
Devon Knows How They Make Hannah So Creamy
I shall tag:
1. joshua
2. Edward Lim
3. Evon
4. Yolande
5. Sam sii
6. Bang
7. Lilian Lau
8. ida *if u see this xp*
9. DJ
10. whoever who wana do it =p
taking stuff for granted
Even simple stuff, like the rain, having a handphone that actually works, not heving severe acne, having electricity at home and insignificant stuff like that...
We expect those stuff to be always there, but we do not realise how many people out there actually do not even have the opportunity to enjoy these simple pleasures of life...
Stuff like one zit on your forehead, not getting your favourite dish at dinner or not being able to watch your desired programme on tv, all these gets us all worked up and agitated...
But we have never considered the possibilities, or how is it like if we don't have all of these..
I have a teacher who taught me in lower primary school whor ecently died of cancer, a close family friend who was just diagnosed with cancer, a dear grandfather who died of heart problem..
These are people who have touched my life but went to heaven just at a snap of a finger..
Imagine how all those closest to them hurt at their lose, having their dearest taken away...
Would petty things like someone not replying their text be of any significance? Or having their book folded at the edges, would that drive them ballistic as it does to me?
I would think all those hardly matters to them anymore..
And having family and friends around me..
That is something not every person would have. People who care for them, who matters, who gives a damn..
I feel that lately i havent been thanking God enough for all He has given me, showering me with blessings that i dont deserve...
Things like good health a caring family and nice friends shouldnt be taken for granted, but given thanks for..
Its at times when we suffer that we realise how lucky we were..
When we are heartbroken, we feel thankful for the happy moments.
When we are sick, we appreciate good health..
When we are disappointed, we are thankful for our past successes.
Therefore, i wana give thanks to God, with a grateful heart =)
building us

I didnt get to go to KL but i get to sleep in most of the time and no one cares..
Im so HIGH..
And i just finished watching Boys Over Flowers..
And still crazzziiieeee over Gu Joon Pyo XP
happy hols everyone =D
nobody can see us
lets take a spin
just you and me
curl your fingers around mine
as we take down the city
kiss me under the city lights
with stars above shining bright
and we'll link hands and run around
catching the depth of darkness
nobody can see us
just us apart from the world
You just want to run away from all your problems and worries, be free...
But yet, there's this part in you that's so damn scared that you'll lose it all..
That you'll have nothing left, be all alone, desolate..
If that happens, who's to blame but yourself..
No longer will you have a place to lean on, to support you and your heavy ass, full of problems..
And by then, regrets will be redundant..
For you know your ego is too big to beg for a second chance, even if your soul is screaming for that...
With that bit of fear, i shall never know whether that step is right or wrong.
For i cant even set out my foot.
Happy Birthday..
Today you're officially 16... =D
Thanks to my friends, who make my life so fun..
Thanks to the clouds for shielding us while we were standing like statues under the hot sun...
Thanks to God for all my victories...
The public speaking competitions and our sports day march pass..
Thanks to Allan, for giving me a rare opportunity to do that...
You know, i know xp
Thanks to J.K. Rowling for writing Harry Potter =p
Thanks to you, for loving me...
Thanks everyone.
would u?
If i fall down, would you be there to catch me?
If i run, would you chase me?
If i am not who you think i am, would you still love me?
Once you taste victory, you cant seem to stop craving for more
Collecting each success like trophies and prizes
Though the only one that deserves credit is God
Crying is like drugs
Once you start you never want to stop
Cuz it gives you a sort of high that brings waves of calmness and serenity
At least for that moment
You can completely lose yourself
Creating a hardcore addiction
Love and dreams are like never ending temptations
Giving you fantasies so beautiful and magical
Beckoning you to approach
Then crushing you
Weighing your soul with disappointment and despair
just a lil something
A cuddly feeling emerges
And i am encaptured by the moment
Unable to pull myself away
From the cosiness within
The hold of your arms
I can feel the warmth
Radiating from your body to mine
And the gentle rhythm of your heartbeat
Even, steady, right next to me
So we are perfectly synchronized
Two bodies
One soul
Pull me closer, love
Hug me tight and never let go
Because deep in me, i know
Right next to you
Is where i belong
To you both =D
How much?
"It's a guy thing" = There's nothing really behind the saying except you'll have no chance of making it logical.
"That's very interesting honey" = Damn, are you still talking?
"I'm not lost, I'm a human GPS" = We'll probably never see the real world again.
"You know I only love you" = I'm finally used to the yelling and screaming, so I give up.
"You look great!" = Please don't try on another dress or else I'll kill myself.
"That was an amazing movie" = Everything blew up, had tons of beautiful women and super hot cars.
"Oh man I cut myself. It's not a big deal, I'll be okay" = I will never let her know I'm slowly dying inside from severed arteries.
"Why do you work so hard? Take a break." = The vacuum is preventing me from listening to what the commentators on ESPN are saying.
"I always forget things, you know how it is" = I remember my first kiss, my first GF, the score of the first arcade game I ever played but can't remember your birthday.
"I'm really tired today" = You didn't want to put out the last few days, so I took care of my own business. What a guy really means when he says certain things:
This is funny xp
What girls say/do and what they actually mean...
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine"
This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it.
This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"
This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to aman. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome.Oh, and before we forget ...
"Whatever"...it's a woman's way of saying *!#@ YOU!
So true!!!
BuSy BuSy
So many activities lined up....
Camps, visits and drill practices...
I feel like this isnt the holidays at all...
Anyways, happy hols everyone...
U can RUN, U can hide but U cant escape my love
It seems hard to imagine how i went through 11 to 12 debates in a short two weeks...
Had fun, been retarded, sung lots (though out of tune xp) and got obsessed with YOU CAN RUN, YOU CAN HIDE, BUT YOU CAN'T ESCAPE MY LOVE =D
But coming home is nice...
I miss my bed and my pillows and my softtoys =p
Oh, and by the way...
And i just found a new fact about myself...
In my world, hope comes in pair with disappointment...
Remind me again not to hope, will you?
Miss y'all
Basically screwing me inside out.
I'm okay. Yet im not.
It's pretty confusing.
Yes, failure is an eye opener. It helps me realise many things.
Maybe my brain cant take it all at once.
Brimming with weirdness and pangs of .... undescribable feelings.
And i miss everyone back at school...
So much.
Love you guys.
And you. <3
Who knew
and plunder into darkness and tears
One word could pierce my heart
so hard, so deep
One assumption could have me thinking for hours
why are things the way they are
One gesture could isolate me
from the earth and its inhabitants
One you
could ruin my world
Save the world?

This just sounds so wrong but all these time when i hear about environment issues, the thing that pops into my mind is the cover of geography textbooks and the phrase 'kesan rumah hijau'..
I guess this is the major side effect of learing geography for 3 years and memorizing pages after pages of environmental facts...
Till all this facts just stay in your mind without being registered...
Yesterday the global event earth hour was held worldwide...
Me being a person who couldnt care less went to the website to pledge for the fun of it...
But the minute i went into the website i saw this short video so i clicked and watched it..
That video was short and aimed to tell people to turn off the lights for just that one hour and that everyone CAN make a difference...
At that moment everything seems to rush back to me...
Maybe that's the way God touches our lives to tell us the part we should play to save our environment...
I'm not sure myself...
But maybe from now on i might pay more attention to those lights i leave on when im not in the room and stuff...

The sky is beautiful
The pale sky blue, the fluffy clouds and amazing moments during sunset...
I have yet to really see sunrise for i love sleeping in...
But the sky is really beautiful...
And when i feel lonely, i look at the sky and i stand in awe of God's awesome-ness...
Every cloud has such beautiful distinct shapes...
Every shape in turn can tell a story...
And i often imagine behind those clouds the bright light is God, His presence which lights up the world..
And with that i feel that all warm inside, being reminded that He is constantly watching over me...
Admire the sky, feel the love, people =D

he n she
She: So is mine yours. You'll look after it, won't you?
He: Of course. I'll keep in in a safe place.
She: Where will that be?
He: I would have kept it in my heart, but since my heart is already with you, i will take yours as mine. Your joy shall always bring laughter to my face, your pain shall bring tears to my eyes. We shall always be one.
She: =D
Hols are over
In fact its already over....
The 'sien-ness' is coming back....
Tomorrow i would have to wake up early...
Gosh,im dreading that...
But then again at least going to school will make me less anti-social...
Im a loner...
I guess the saying that no man is an island is at least partly wrong...
Say hi to miss island princess...
The one who was there from the beginning till the end...
The one who could play with my feelings and get away with it...
Cuz everytime i hoped it would be different....
I hoped that he would know how much he meant to me...
I hoped that i would mean as much too...
Even half as much...
That i wouldnt just be there...
Like something insignificant..
A picture in the background...
I wish he would trust me...
Know that i'll be there for him...
I wish he knew i love him...
Though he's not my lover...
He was my best friend.
He is my friend.
that rocks me to sleep at night
Let your eyes be the stars
lighting up my life
when curtains of darkness
falls upon me
Let your voice be a sweet lullaby
crooning away
echoing in the depths of my soul
life is BlAh
It's like evryday passes just like that...
Too fast... Too... Unfulfilling.
I hardly do anything much anymore...
Everyday comprises of school, homework, sleep, more school the next day...
Furthermore, i have lost my enthusiasm for life...
The randomness, bubbly-ness of talking to anyone and everyone is no longer part of me...
All i feel like doing nowadays is sleep...
Dreaming seems like the best remedy for the cruelness of reality...
Everything i hope for. happiness. satisfaction. love.
They can all be found in my own lala land...
I want to drown everything out.
The noises. The unhappiness. The suffocating reality of life.
Save. Me.
Happy VaLentines Day
Not only a day about chocolates and roses...
Not only about pink ribbons and red love-shaped balloons...
It's more of a day of sharing our love to our loved ones...
So, i wanna wish all my friends and family a very Happy Valentines Day...
And also to some cutie, lotsa xoxoxoxo =p
Thus, my resolution from now onwards is to try to love as much as possible...
Just like our Lord loves us...
And thanks for the gifts, bestfriend and <3...
P.S. Allan is freaking back!!!
Gosh, he's so romantic... =p
Words. Promises.
Goes a long way
Bringing me through everyday
With hope, reassurance
That you'd make everything you say
A fairytale in reality
For me.
But as the days go by
And i wait and wait
For all to come true
Those words you said
Those promises you made
They replay again and again
In my head
Building a steady rhythm
Of resentment
Solemnly played.
Some words
Should be left unsaid
And maybe promises
Weren't meant to be kept
But sometimes
They're all that is left
To cling on
As i journey down
The road of life.